Not at all asking this being stuck in Parisien transports
Art by: @mowendesigns A Beautiful link to their DeviantArt
Not at all asking this being stuck in Parisien transports
Yep, today I’d say obsidian and syncthing, they’re the bread and butter of my life right now. Although it feels sad and weird to see the small app I discovered 2 years ago starting to enter the «selling template» and «enhance your experience» that notion also took a few years ago «althought it’s a completly different company culture»
God is Excel good, and I feel like I’ve barely touched the VBA part making buttons for my colleagues to get to certain parts of the Excel instantly. It runs well, and gets so much information out in a unique way, Speinkled with functions that run well . And it runs quite fast for something that can do so much
I’d say it’s the task you do on it you dislike, not the program
Only reason I didn’t switch yet was that my 6 years old Laptop still holds perfectly well and it would be counter productive to just change to a new device for no reason but the brand and that it is new
I will add, do try the baguette, in any “Boulangerie” you want. Something that does not look that hard, yet I miss or is not the same when anywhere else