I’m the administrator of kbin.life, a general purpose/tech orientated kbin instance.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • The only thing stopping them doing this right now, is that they know it would get regulatory pushback. It has a real chance of causing laws to be made about when and how advertising is appropriate, and those laws might stop some of the things they’re doing now. So they sit as close to that line as they can without crossing it so they can keep self-regulation.

    The moment they believe world governments wouldn’t stop them doing it, is the moment they’ll do it.

    And in terms of benefit for the advertisers and service providers, it’s a no-brainer. Advertisers know that a large percentage of people tune out, or even leave the room when an advert is on. I think it’s part of the reason they kept them so short on youtube, because if they showed you that there’s 1:30 ad break you might go to the toilet, get a drink, or anything else that takes you away from the ad. If they show you 15seconds, well you’ll probably just sit that one out.

    An advert they know people are actually watching is worth a LOT more to advertisers.

  • There’s a certbot addon which uses nginx directly to renew the certificate (so you don’t need to stop the web server to renew). If you install the addon you just use the same certbot commands but with --nginx instead and it will perform the actions without interfering with web server operation.

    You just then make sure the cron job to renew also includes --nginx and you’re done.

  • I mean for advert breaks, there are projects to do this to recorded tv automatically (with varying degrees of success depending on the config and the channel).

    That is, you record the TV from either a TV receiver card, or streamed live channels to disk, then run this process on the mkv/mp4/ts, and it will either create a set of chapters marking the ads (so you can skip them), or it will just remove them entirely.

    I don’t think it would transfer to “live” TV quite so readily though. Because it does scan the whole program to find things like logos etc to help work out where the adverts are. But, I mean a lot of the work has been done.

    For removing all product logos. I mean, I bet we’re not far from the processing power to make it possible. But, probably a fair bit of effort needed.

    I can imagine the “AI” chips being neutered for these kind of tasks, like the “low hash rate” Nividia cards.

  • Here’s what I think. Both opinions are correct.

    Rust is sufficiently different that you cannot expect C developers to learn rust to the level they have mastered C in order to be working at the kernel level. It’s not going to happen.

    I don’t really know too much about rust. Maybe one day I’ll actually mess around with it. But the one time I looked at a rust git repo I couldn’t even find where the code to do a thing was. It’s just different enough to be problematic that way.

    So I think probably, the best way IS to go the way linus did. Just go ahead and write a very basic working kernel in rust. If the project is popular it will gain momentum.

    Trying to slowly adapt parts of the kernel to rust and then complain when long term C developers don’t want to learn a new language in order to help isn’t going to make many friends on that team.

  • When you post in a thread you get an ID for that thread. When you post in a different thread you get a different id.

    That’s what I said. You don’t need any ID to federate the messages. If you reply to a comment the nesting is based on the comment/post ID and not the usernames.

    You couldn’t track a users posts after the fact, and I think that’s kinda the point.

  • Not so sure that’s true though. If you look at a 4chan threads in some boards, you can recognize the individual anonymous’ from the ID next to them.

    I suspect it’s using either a cookie, or the IP address to track a user and while not storing that info, generating an ID hash from perhaps a unique ID for the thread + their details.

    No reason you couldn’t federate using the same. But, even without that, each post and comment has a post ID and replies would be tracked that way. Just, you’d need to remember which replies were your own.

    The home instance could store for a thread some info about posts/comments from an IP or cookie too and highlight them. But that info wouldn’t be federated.

    I actually don’t think it’d be a problem, really. But, is this something missing from our lives? I’m not so sure.

  • I mean, while they can block most things, to give people a usable experience they’re going to allow http and https traffic through, and they can’t really proxy https because of the TLS layer.

    So for universal chance of success, running openvpn tcp over port 443 is the most likely to get past this level of bad. I guess they could block suspicious traffic in the session before TLS is established (in order to block certain domains). OpenVPN does support traversing a proxy, but it might only work if you specify it. If their network sets a proxy via DHCP, maybe you could see that and work around it.

    I did have fun working around an ex gf’s university network many years ago to get a VPN running over it. They were very, very serious about blocking non-standard services. A similar “through” the proxy method was the last resort they didn’t seem to bother trying to stop.