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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • Strange- the very tone of this thread is suggesting that the HA developers choice in how they distribute their platform is “incorrect” by your assertions. Further you seem to disagree with explanations provided as to why those choices were likely made.

    Dismissing those statements and observations do not make them incorrect. Nothing I stated is dramatic: it is an observation and a comment on an increasing trend popping up around several projects. This particular topic and your responses within it align with that trend. My closing statement was directed at that. You are welcome to not like it but resorting to insults is a bit childish.

  • From what I gather here you have a particular flavor of a distribution that does not work with a foss piece of software. This is not uncommon.

    Developers have finite time and energy to put into the development of their platform and likely spend that time supporting their existing user base. Just because you took the time to learn esperanto and think it is a superior language does not mean everyone else must cater to your whims.

    Based on your statements you seem to “understand” nix… Instead of demanding they cater to your needs: Perhaps you should undertake the burden of forking, modifying the code, and supporting the vast ecosystem of addons then. Surely it would be a trivial matter.

  • People are converting. Not entirely on its own merit, of course: Its competition repeatedly is enshitifying the user experience and pushing people to try other options. Combine that with steam and their work on linux’s compatibility layer and you get most of the movement.

    That said once you hit a certain market share developers become more willing to port or provide binaries for the growing platform. It can accelerate further from there. Linux mainstream isn’t there yet but it’s starting to get in striking distance of its competition.

  • Currently trying that for the same reasons you are tempted. Roku was passable and even a good choice years ago and it’s on a precipitous race to the bottom now.

    Problem for me currently is finding a non windows solution that is navigable from a controller or remote is … tough. Steam, emulation station, Kodi all have reasonable interfaces but there seems to be a gap in a unified launcher solution (as well as a decent ‘app’ for accessing YouTube.) I really don’t want to spin up a single VM for each activity when they all in theory should play nice together.